Rvizion is a new way to turn questions into understanding and answers.

Imagine that you are in a doctor’s office, and the doctor walks in and says “I’m afraid that I have some bad news for you…” Your heart skips a beat and you may think “…Oh no, I’ve got a problem!’ In fact, you have three problems:

  • Whatever the ‘bad news’ is that the doctor has for you
  • You probably don’t know much about whatever that bad news is
  • You don’t share a common vocabulary to talk with the doctor

Rvizion is here to guide you — to help you assemble an understanding of any new field of knowledge, and to give you the vocabulary so that you can fully engage with experts in that field. The Internet is full of information, but you’re not looking for “web hits” — you’re looking for answers. Rvizion is here to to help you turn that information into knowledge with the understanding to turn that knowledge into wisdom.

Welcome to Rvizion…